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He Becomes an Angel - Ceramic pot

Two new pieces in “Give Me Wings” at FRANK

Moths and butterflies, hummingbirds, crows, blue jays, cicadas and katydids; ladybugs and June bugs, airplanes, helicopters, gliders, parachutes, rockets, bats and batman, owls, angels, bees, dragons and dragonflies, pegasus and icarus. These things have captured our minds and our hearts…

“Flying to the Inside” at FRANK

On Friday, May 11, FRANK Gallery's show, A Sense of Place, opened. This is how the show is described: A place is not an idea, but it may contain one. A place is real, not virtual. It has seasons, elements, stone,…

Screen shot of Judith Ernst Website


Welcome to my new, improved website, Earth Embracing Space: Ceramic Art by Judith Ernst! Having dithered about this upgrade for at least two years, I'm very happy to have moved to It's a great option that provides customizable templates,…

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